Sunday, February 3, 2008


Using the Internet – a general evaluation of using a Search Engine

How do they work?
A computer programme is constantly searching the Web. As it does it sends information about what it finds (ie content and addresses) to a central database. When you enter a search term, you are actually looking into this central database.

Very wide coverage of the Web, therefore you should find more material.
Many try to sort material by how relevant it is to your enquiry
Offer the opportunity to refine and enhance your search
Many offer useful links to related material
Many offer a directory listing of popular sites
A real help when you don’t know the exact address
Can specify UK sites only if you prefer

Can often return too much material
Minimal sorting of material returned, particularly similar material at the same address
Different engines cover different pages, so you need to search in more than one
All engines have slightly different rules for refining a search

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